Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Introduction & Invitation to Express Expediters LLC. from Jill Morrone-Fratto

Hello Friends & Associates: 

I'd like to re-introduce myself to you and bring more awareness to my company, Express Expediters LLC. & the valued services we offer.  Express Expediters is a licensed permit expediting company providing complete municipal services in Philadelphia. I invite you to contact me with any questions concerning the many possible situations you could be confronted with as you do business or own real estate in the City of Philadelphia.  We have the resources and experience to best advise you.

A brief synopsis of our services is the procurement and/or processing of all business licenses, building permits, zoning use registration permits, tax abatement applications, certification statements, sign permits, & rental (housing) licenses.  We also clear up property violations, lift stop work orders, & resolve city tax & revenue matters.   We will interface with most city departments on behalf of our clients and work extensively with the Department of Licenses & Inspections, the Tax Revue Board, the Water Department, the Streets Department, Contractual Services, the Historical Commission, the Board of Revision of Taxes, the Zoning Board of Adjustments, the Board of Building Standards, the Health Department, the Housing Department, the Business Compliance Department and City Planning.  Consulting services and feasibility studies are also available to assist in determining property rights & the highest and best use for real estate.  Architectural drawings and legal assistance are also available through our trusted affiliates. 

Our clients typically are business owners, law firms, real estate investors, builders, developers, and homeowners; as well as architects, title companies, property management companies, general contractors, and the like.  

I would love to hear your comments & feedback and hope you will think of me and my company if a need arises.  Thanks for reading!

All the best,

Jill Morrone-Fratto
Express Expediters LLC
P.O. Box 6378
Philadelphia, Pa., 19147
215-834-7337 phone
215-689-3664 fax